Because look what I done in all three of these books. Alternate universe stories. Sliding Doors stories, stories where a single moment in time - catch the train/miss the train, hold your tongue/speak your mind, immanentize the eschaton/go to Subway for the 6 inch tuna - causes a dramatic change in the universe. A recentContinue reading "I Seem To Gravitate To This Concept…"
As long as we’re talking about James Mangold…
Look, I have a huge comic book collection. Most of it Marvel. And I am sick to death of these Marvel movies. Sorry. It's not so much that I think they're bad - by and large, they're very well-crafted, very entertaining - but they all seem of a piece to me at this point. (theContinue reading "As long as we’re talking about James Mangold…"
The Virtues of Practice
Is this a great movie? Maybe not. But it sure is entertaining. And I thought Timothee Chalamet's performance - especially his singing and playing - was fantastic (Monica Barbaro and Edward Norton too). This ain't like cut to the hands of someone else playing the instrument. Or lip-syncing to someone else's vocal performance. This beContinue reading "The Virtues of Practice"
John Connolly
... writes some very very captivating fiction. A good combination of hardboiled detective and horror - who doesn't love that? After stumbling on Instruments of Darkness, I've gone back and read a bunch more in his ouevre. Heh. First time I got to use that word in awhile - ouevre. Instruments remains my favorite soContinue reading "John Connolly"
Freak Scene
... this newsletter is a fantastic resource for local music fans and musicians to find out what the hey is going on locally. BECAUSE THERE'S SO MUCH GOING ON! But it's not just a calendar. It is, shall we say, curated by respected music journalist Eric Danton, and you can subscribe here. And the archiveContinue reading "Freak Scene"
Polaroid Lovers
I won't rave too much, but... What a fantastic lyricist Sarah Jarosz is - I especially admire 'Good At What I Do.' And the arrangement on 'Jealous Moon' - in particular the interplay between bass, drums, and acoustic guitar on the verses of that song... so much to learn from/admire there as well. And everytimeContinue reading "Polaroid Lovers"
Bob Dylan Open Mic
Thanks one and all for a great night of music and camaraderie. 40 performances, 4.5 hours of music, and we raised $1200 for the Western Massachusetts Food Bank! Photos and videos are floating around the Internet, on Facebook mostly, but I will link a few here shortly... EDIT: Here's some excerpts: